In-House Program (U5-U8)

In-House Program (U5-U8)

Modified Rules for 4v4




Practices: Starting Week of Feb 17th- Days and Times:

U5(2020) Girls/Boys: Coach Michael Baxter

Mondays- Girls 5:30pm, Boys 6:30pm- Fields 5-6


U6(2019)Boys/Girls: Coaches Jake McCoy and Connor Quick

Mondays- Girls 5:30pm, Boys 6:30pm- Field 7-8


U7(2018) Girls: Coach Matthew White

Mondays/Thursdays 6pm- Field 10

U7(2018) Boys: Coach Neil Stockwell

Mondays/Wednesdays 6pm- Field 9


U8(2017) girls: Coach Matthew White

Monday/Thursdays 7pm- Field 10

U8(2017) Boys: Coach Neil Stockwell

Monday/Wednesday 7pm- Field 9


U5-U8 Game times:

U5 Girls/Boys: 10:30am Fields 5-8

U6 Girls/Boys: 9am Fields 5-8

U7 Girls/Boys: Noon Fields 5-8

U8 Girls/Boys: 1:30pm Fields 5-8

Game times may be adjusted by the coach as needed and will notify you the week before the game.

U5-U8 Game dates will be:

March 8, 15

April 5, 12, 19, 26

May 3, 10

No U5-U8 games March 22nd for Spring Break or March 29th for our Spring Spectacular Tournament.

If all goes well, the last game will be May 10th. Any U5-U8 games that need to be canceled due to weather will be played  May 17th or next available Saturday.

If you have any questions, email

Contact Us


Midwest City Soccer Club
1799 National Blvd.
Midwest City, OK 73110

PO Box 30586
Midwest City, OK 73140

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